

Some Fresh News from BMA

Welcome to Bali Model Agency new blog! If you want us to address a specific topic, let us know.
And if you are an amazing copywriter, you are welcome to contribute too! 😃
April 1, 2022

A Day in The Life of Bali Modeling Agency

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a modeling agency? Or perhaps what it's like to work for a modeling agency? Or maybe, you're curious to know what magic happens behind the scenes of a modeling photoshoot? Wonder no more. Today, you, lucky reader, get to join Bali Model Agency on set, to find out what goes on behind the modeling agency scenes.
March 1, 2022

Insider Tips with Bali’s Leading Model Agency

In this checklist we cover :

  • Why it's important to prepare before a photoshoot
  • What do you need to do to prepare for a model shoot
  • What goes down on the day of a shoot
  • Everything that goes into a model kit

We suggest you read these 8 steps the day before the shoot and go through each step.

You'll thank us after - promise.

November 19, 2021

8 Point Checklist to The Night Before a Photoshoot

In this checklist we cover :

  • Why it's important to prepare before a photoshoot
  • What do you need to do to prepare for a model shoot
  • What goes down on the day of a shoot
  • Everything that goes into a model kit

We suggest you read these 8 steps the day before the shoot and go through each step.

You'll thank us after - promise.

April 9, 2020
model agency bali

The Ultimate Guide to Modeling in Bali (updated 2023)

In this comprehensive guide we'll cover:
  • Freelance model or agency model: what's best?
  • How to work successfully with an agency
  • What to do when you are booked for a modeling job?
  • Everything you need to know about money
  • How will your modeling agency promote you?
So if you want to be a successful model in Bali, you'll love this guide.
February 20, 2020

These New Fashion Photographers Just Joined BMA!

Our board of talented photographers just got even hotter. With bucket loads of talent and extensive experience adding these 3 photographers to our BMA family was a no brainer. Excited for what’s to come and all the great work we are going to do together.
February 19, 2020

These 11 New Models Just Joined BMA!

Super proud and excited to welcome these beautiful faces to our BMA family. Amped to add to our already extensive list of awesome talent. Modeling in Bali just keeps getting better and better…
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